FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs


Pohnpei, FSM – FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs (FSM DHSA), since the inception of tele-pathology in 2017, continues to look for ways to further maintain and improve diagnostic capability within the nation.

Picture: Tele-pathology used by Ms. Shania Felix and Mr. Saimone Vameau

Currently FSM DHSA through Pohnpei State pathology lab processes specimen from all four labs within the nation, then via tele-health, receives pathologist’s consultations and diagnostics from Hokkaido Cancer Institute (HCI) in Sapporo, Japan. This process shortens the turnaround of results from months down to minutes ultimately providing providers critical diagnostics in a timelier fashion.


Pohnpei Histopath technician Mr. Saimone Vameau viewing slide through the screen.

Picture: Pohnpei Histopath technician Mr. Saimone Vameau viewing slide through the screen

The tele-pathology application eliminates costly agreements with outside labs, cost in prepping and shipping of specimen, and a great deal of waiting time for results. FSM DHSA, in looking to sustain and improve upon this technology have identified and dispatched its lab technician assistant for further training.

Funding for this project is provided by the FSM Government though the Department of Health and Social Affairs as a national capital improvement project.  The Department explores opportunities with outside partners to improve the current tele-pathology service and other important specialty care as a way to maximize the benefit of the currently available digital technology platform in the FSM.