FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs

Strengthening Health Services Collaboration: Virtual Meeting Between FSM DHSA and Republic of the Philippines Department of Health

Secretary Marcus Samo, Assistant Secretary Moses Pretrick and Chuuk State health leadership Chuuk Health Services Director Dr. Bosco Buliche, Chuuk Health Chief of Staff Dr. Yoster Yichiro, and Chuck Health OBGYN Dr. Rita Akapito held a virtual meeting with the Republic of Philippines Department of Health representatives. The meeting was a start of strengthening health services coordination and collaboration amongst the two countries where FSM will receive a medical mission team in Chuuk, FSM to support and augment current health capabilities of the State. FSM DHSA is working closely with Chuuk State Health Services to coordinate, support and ensure that this great opportunity is fully utilized. The department hopes that this is just the start of greater collaboration opportunities to come and looks forward to receiving the medical team.