FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: NPHHS Block Grant Workplan Review

July 12, 2024

Public Hearing Notice

Please note that the FSM Preventive Health Block Grant (PHHS) Advisory Comm will hold
a Public Hearing on the Following:

Project Name:
2024 FSM PHHS Block Grant Community Projects

Community Projects:
Access to Safe and Clean Water to Underserved Communities Project; Combating NCDs through Sports and Youth Engagement Project; Sexual Offense Project

Location: Riverside Conference Room/Virtual (Zoom)

Topic: FSM PHHS Block Grant Community Projects Public Hearing
Date/Time: July 17, 2024, 11:30 AM Pohnpei/Kosrae, 10:30 AM Chuuk/Yap Time

Join Zoom Meeting
FSM Department of Health & Social Affairs is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: FSM DHSA PHHS Block Grant Public Hearing
Time: Jul 17, 2024 11:30 AM Pohnpei Time

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 896 2365 1290
Passcode: 472965

The Preventive Health Advisory Committee will hear all persons in support of Block Grant
activities any comments/objections during the Public Hearing. Comments can be also be
submitted in writing and must be received by 5:00pm, on the date of the above hearing
and be addressed to the Preventive Health Council Secretariat, Mr. Scott Mori at

  • All reasonable accommodations will be made for persons with disability.
    In such a case, please notify Block Grant Secretariat in advance so that
    arrangements can be made

Federated States of Micronesia Sent a Delegation to the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva; Elected Vice-Chairs of WHO Executive Board

The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) proudly participated in the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) held in Geneva, Switzerland, from May 27 to June 1, 2024. The Secretary of Health and Social Affairs, Mr. Marcus H. Samo, led the FSM Delegation and was staffed by Dr. Mayleen Ekiek, Communicable Diseases Program Manager; Ms. Margaret Baekalia, Acting Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC) Program Manager; and Mr. Ruotpong Pongliyab, Public Health and Hospital Emergency Preparedness Program Director. Together they covered the work of the various technical committees, plenary sessions, and other side-events important to FSM health development. The FSM Delegation actively engaged in high-level discussions and delivered crucial interventions on pressing global health issues, including tuberculosis (TB) and vaccination, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and strengthening emergency preparedness for disasters resulting from natural hazards.  In his remarks at the plenary session, Secretary Samo shared FSM’s vision of “Better Health for All”, which reflects this year’s WHA theme of “All for Health, Health for All”.  He pointed out that there are many challenges before us and that we must “triple our investment in health” if we are to realize our goals, and that even as a small island nation we continue to work towards a future where “our communities are prepared, resilient and united” and that by “working together, we weave a mat of strength that can support us through any storm.” 

TB and Vaccination

In addressing the Assembly, FSM highlighted its ongoing efforts and challenges in combating tuberculosis and improving vaccination coverage. FSM stressed the importance of robust immunization programs to prevent TB and other infectious diseases, emphasizing the need for continued international support and collaboration to enhance healthcare infrastructure and access to vaccines in the Pacific region.

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

FSM voiced its concerns over the escalating threat of antimicrobial resistance, which poses a significant risk to public health globally and may be the cause for the next pandemic. The delegation called for urgent action to implement effective antimicrobial stewardship programs, promote research and development and enhancement of surveillance systems to monitor and control AMR. FSM also underscored the importance of raising awareness and educating communities about the responsible use of antibiotics.

Strengthening Emergency Preparedness for Disasters Resulting from Natural Hazards

Given its vulnerability to natural hazards, FSM placed a strong emphasis on strengthening emergency preparedness and response capacities. The delegation shared insights from experiences with the recent pandemic and highlighted the critical need for resilient health systems that can withstand and respond effectively to emergencies. FSM advocated for increased investment in disaster risk reduction, capacity building, and international cooperation to support small island developing states in managing health emergencies.

Commitment to Global Health

The FSM delegation reaffirmed its commitment to advancing global health priorities and contributing to the collective efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). FSM expressed gratitude to the World Health Organization (WHO) and international partners for their continued support and collaboration in addressing health challenges faced by small island nations.

Immediately following the 77th WHA, the WHO held the 155th meeting of its Executive Board, where FSM was elected to be one of four Vice Chairs, along with Maldives, Cameroon, and Switzerland under the leadership of Barbados as the Chair.

The election of FSM as a Vice-Chair is a testament to its growing influence and commitment to global health and will actively participate in guiding the WHO’s strategic decisions, ensuring that the voices and concerns of small island developing states are represented in global health discussions and will continue to work to address critical health challenges, promoting sustainable health policies, and supporting the implementation of effective health initiatives worldwide.

FSM expresses its gratitude to the WHO member states for their confidence and support. This election underscores FSM’s dedication to enhancing global health governance and its commitment to fostering international cooperation. FSM looks forward to contribute significantly to the upcoming WHO Executive Board meeting in January, where crucial decisions will be made to shape the future of global health.

FSM National Government Supports Athletes at Micro-Games and Donates Essential Supplies to Majuro Hospital

The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) National Government, through the Office of the President, in collaboration with the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Social Affairs, has successfully delivered essential supplies to FSM athletes participating in the 2024 Micro-Games in the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

FSM Patrol Boat Bethwel Henry transported a shipment of 12,000 bottles of drinking water and 50 boxes of IV solutions to support the FSM athletes and the local hospital in Majuro. Despite a slight delay, the FSS Bethwel Henry ensured timely delivery, arriving on June 21, 2024. This ensured that all FSM athletes had sufficient drinking water to stay hydrated and perform their best throughout the competition.

The IV supplies were donated to help replenish stocks at the Republic of the Marshall Islands hospital, providing crucial support for medical needs during the games.The FSM Government extends its gratitude to all those who contributed drinking water, local foods, and other supplies to this effort. Congratulations to all the players who competed in the Micro-Games 2024, and special commendations to the medalists for their outstanding performance in representing their states at this major sporting event.


The Project for Pacific Co-learning Towards Resilient Health System was launched in 2023, to build a resilient health system in the Maternal and Child Health (MCH), that can respond to health emergencies in the Pacific region. The Project started in November 2024 and will carry out relevant activities until June 2028.

The first Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC)Meeting was held on May 15th at the conference room of Department of Health and Social Affairs (DHSA) in Pohnpei, with members from Chuuk, Yap, and Kosrae participating remotely. The main objective of the meeting was to share and agree on the work plan developed for the JICA Project based on the results of situation analysis.

Honorable Marcus Samo, Secretary of DHSA gave his opening remarks by appreciating the JCC members from all four states and JICA. He highlighted the importance of maintaining essential health services in health emergencies for the “build back better” health system.

The participants actively discussed the implementation strategies including modification of existing MCH guidelines and manuals, in-service training, use of digital technology, and networking among the Pacific countries. The challenges of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) services in FSM were also shared to identify potential and feasible solutions to improve MCH delivery in the islands.

In the Closing remark, Mr. Kunihiro Yamauchi, JICA Micronesia Resident Representative thanked all JCC members for their active participation, and expressed his commitment to continue supporting FSM, through dispatch of JICA volunteers and other cooperation schemes to improve health system along with the JICA Project.

DHSA Food Analyst Attends the First Pacific Islands Laboratory Week Workshop in Tonga

Food Analyst Ms. Kesusa Marquez-Yaropiy from the FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs Food Lab attended the First Pacific Islands Laboratory Week Workshop in Nuku’alofa, Tonga from the 18th to the 22nd March 2024.  The workshop represents an important milestone for the regional PQI Initiative to continue to strengthen cooperation and coordination among Pacific Island Countries on Quality Infrastructure (QI), with the aim of improving access to reliable laboratory testing services across the regions. The purpose of this workshop was to bring together the Pacific Islands Testing Committee to discuss the recommendations from PQI laboratory survey, the Committee’s governance structure including its Terms of Reference, and to plan upcoming activities; to do training session and site visit to Tonga’s laboratories; and to raise awareness of the importance of reliable testing trade and the wellbeing of the people of the pacific. Delegation from the Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Australia, Cook Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and Tonga were the participants. The event was organized by the Pacific Quality Infrastructure (PQI) initiative, Tonga’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests and Ministry of Trade & Economic Development, and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

2024 FSM Health Summit Successfully Concludes

Palikir, Pohnpei – April 28, 2024 – The Federated States of Micronesia Department of Health & Social Affairs concluded its 2024 Health Summit held from April 22-26, 2024 in Palikir, Pohnpei. The event brought together leaders from the National and State Governments, program managers and staff, stakeholders, partners, and members from the communities to deliberate on strategies to advancing the nation’s health in 2024 and beyond.

Delivering the keynote address, The Honorable Vice President Aren B. Palik highlighted the healthcare challenges confronting the FSM, emphasizing the shortage of skilled personnel, the need for enhanced professionalism among healthcare practitioners, technological gaps, and the imperative for life-saving treatments to elevate healthcare services. The Vice President underscored the ongoing shortfall of proficient doctors and nurses while acknowledging the current effort of College of Micronesia-FSM in graduating new nurses.  The Vice President also indicated to the audience that as a Nation we “need to do more” if we are to meet the demand for better and more complex healthcare need of the people in the coming days. The Vice President concluded his statement by reaffirming to the 300 plus audience to keep in mind that in everything we do “ unity is our strength and prosperity”, which is also the vision of the Simina-Palik Administration theme.

The five-day Health Summit structured around technical meetings and workshops.  Several thematic areas surfaced from the discussions and summarized in seven categories: (1) Leadership, Governance and Management, (2) Human Resources for Health, (3) Health Service Delivery, (4) Health Information, Planning & Surveillance, (5) Health Through the Life Course, (6) Social and Environmental Determinants of Health, and (7) Health Financing.

Throughout the Health Summit, technical experts from local, regional and international organizations, including representatives from the UN Agencies (WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP, FAO), World Bank, ADB, JICA, SPC, Pacific Island Health Officers Association (PIHOA), Association of State and Territorial Health Organization (ASTHO), COM-FSM and other partners, contributed valuable insights and recommendations to inform the formulation of strategic policies. The Minister of Health and Human Services from the Republic of Palau, the Hon. Gaafar Uherbelau, was also present and provided valuable advice as well as real-life experience from Palau.

The participants adopted universal health coverage for all as the unified vision for the next Framework for Sustainable Health Development in the Federated States of Micronesia: 2024-2034, which was the hallmark of the Summit, and lead to its endorsement by the Chief Executives. Additionally, the following documents were also launched: FSM Early Childhood Development Policy (2024-2028), Nutrition Action Plan (2020-2030), Healthy Eating Guidelines (2023-2027), and National Operational Guidelines on Adolescent and Youth-Friendly Health Services 2024.

As the FSM embarks on this transformative journey towards achieve its goal “Better Health for All”, the momentum generated by the National Health Summit signals a pivotal moment in the nation’s healthcare trajectory.  In closing the Summit on behalf of His Excellency Wesley W. Simina, Secretary Marcus Samo remarked “our Unity is our Strength and Prosperity. We believe in the power and strength of unity.  We believe in leaving no communities behind”. Secretary Samo concluded by saying that the outlook for health development is exciting.  There are opportunities ahead; we need to take bold steps to achieve better health for all. 

2nd Micronesian Ministers for Women Conference 2024: Advancing Gender Equality in Micronesia

A ministerial delegation of gender specialists from the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) is actively participating in the 2nd Micronesian Ministers for Women Conference 2024 in Nauru this week. The conference, held from 16-18 April, brings together key decision-makers to identify priorities for gender equality and women’s empowerment in the sub-region. Delegations from FSM, Guam, Kiribati, Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), and the host country, Nauru, are collaborating to discuss subregional priorities and prepare for the upcoming Triennial Conference of Pacific Women. The event is organized by the Nauru Government’s Department of Women’s and Social Development Division (WASDA) in collaboration with the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) and the Pacific Community (SPC), with support from the Australian Government.

Courtesy Visit: Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines to the FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs

Ambassador Mylene J. Garcia-Albano from the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines in Tokyo, Japan, paid a courtesy visit to the Acting Secretary of FSM DHSA, Mr. Scott Mori. Discussions focused on critical healthcare topics, including current collaboration between FSM DHSA and Philippines Department of Health to bring medical specialty teams to FSM, the shortage of healthcare professionals, medical referrals to the Philippines, potential collaborations with Philippines universities for educational opportunities in the medical fields for FSM students and trainings for current health staff, recruitment opportunities for medical staff from the Philippines, and future health services in the FSM.

The meeting ended on a positive note with a suggestion for the ambassador to visit Nan Madol while on Pohnpei, highlighting the cultural and historical significance of the site. This courtesy visit underscores the ongoing partnership between the Philippines and FSM in advancing healthcare initiatives.

Sweden Ambassador Courtesy Visit to the Secretary of FSM DHSA

His excellency Ambassador Pereric Högberg of the Sweden embassy in Japan, paid a courtesy visit to the Honorable Mr. Marcus Samo, Secretary of FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs (DHSA). The meeting centered on medical training and schools, access to medicines (including generics) and pharmaceutical providers, greening of healthcare facilities, food and nutrition, public health awareness, and health promotion. Additionally, discussions covered the pandemic experience in FSM where the good Ambassador congratulated the FSM for its success, risk communications, and population dynamics. The meeting concluded with mutual interest in further discussions on these topics in the future, reflecting the ongoing collaboration between Sweden and FSM in advancing healthcare and addressing critical health issues.