FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs


To have a Cancer-Free FSM


Work collaboratively with State Coalitions, health professionals, different areas of government and the community to improve cancer-related prevention and care for the citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia.


  1. Prevention Goal: Prevent cancer from occurring
  2. Early Detection and Screening Goal: When Cancer does occur, detect it as early as possible
  3. Treatmeant Goal: When cancer is detected, provide and assure access to quality cancer treatment
  4. Quality of Life and Survivorship Goal: Provide the highest quality of life possible to cancer patients, survivors and their families 


The FSM Comprehensive Cancer Control and Prevention (CCC&P) Program is one of the programs under the Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Unit umbrella in the Department of Health and Social Affairs. CCC&P is federally funded. The CCC&P Program is responsible for the promotion, prevention and control of Cancer and its risk factors in the FSM.

The CCC&P program works collaboratively with other NCD related programs like the Tobacco, DM/CVD, TB, Immunization, Maternal and Child health, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Programs.

Contact Information:

X-ner Luther
Program Coordinator
Phone: (691) 320-8525
Email: xluther@fsmhealth.fm
Lerihna Johnson
Program Assistant
Phone: (691) 320-8525
Email: Lerihna.LebehnJohnson@fsmhealth.fm

To fulfill the Program’s mission we engage in various activities with our stakeholders.